St. Patrick’s Day

We learned about its origin, played games, and danced, all in the green spirit of the celebration!
It was super fun to follow the clues from the sneaky leprechaun and find a treasure of yummy chocolate gold coins!
We had a great time! 🍀🌈✨

St. Patrick’s Day eguna nondik datorren ikasi dugu, jolasean eta dantzan aritu gara, ospakizun irlandar honen espiritu berdean murgilduz!

Leprechaun bihurri batek eskolan zehar utzitako pistak jarraituz, altxor magikoa aurkitu dugu: txokolatezko urrezko txanpon goxoen altxorra!

Primeran pasatu dugu! 🍀🌈✨

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